Sunday, August 24, 2008

Shinya Kimura Triumph café racer is equal parts whimsy, vintage
Shinya_kimura_cafe_racer_1.jpgWhile we've always admired the work of Shinya Kimura, his bikes have never been the kind we'd want to ride, just to look at. This Triumph café racer changes all that. By mixing vintage racing components with Kimura's unique custom style, the result is like a bizarre but alluring dream — the mechanical realization of the fantasy found in a Guillermo del Toro film; just one with enough mechanical merit to give it appeal away from the show floor. Click through for more pictures.
Shinya_kimura_cafe_racer_2.jpgShinya_kimura_cafe_racer_3.jpgShinya_Kimura_cafe_racer_4.jpgChabbot Engineering via The Jockey Journal
Wes Siler. June 14, 2008 — Permalink — — Digg

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